60 percent of Turks don't believe that economy will recover under current gov't

Some 60 percent of Turkish citizens do not believe that the government can put the economy back on course, according to a recent survey. The survey comes as Turkey has been going through one of its worst economic crises ever due to the failing policies of the government.

Duvar English

According to a survey conducted by a research company, 60.3 percent of Turkish citizens do not have the believe that the government will put the economy back in order.

Even among the voters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a very high percentage expressed the opinion that they are not hopeful about the economy showing improvement under the current rulership.

Some 33 percent of AKP voters do not believe that the economy will get any better, while this percentage was 44.1 percent for MHP voters, the survey conducted by Aksoy Research showed, daily Cumhuriyet reported on Dec. 27.

As for the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) supporters, this percentage was 90.4 percent, while it was 94.4 percent for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) supporters and 84.8 percent for the İYİ (Good) Party supporters.

The survey comes as Turkish citizens are struggling to adapt and survive in the face of the lira's crash and soaring inflation. 

The AKP has been ignoring the calls that its idiosyncratic approach to running Turkey’s economy is not working. The currency has crashed in value, inflation has reached soaring figures and young people's expectations and dreams continue to be shadowed by the rising unemployment rate.

A decade ago it cost around 1.8 liras to buy a single dollar, whereas today that figure is above 11.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been ruling out early elections, saying that the AKP-MHP coalition will win the parliament majority and the presidential race in the June 2023 elections.

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