About 100 MPs of ruling AKP might change under three-term limit of party

About 100 lawmakers of the ruling AKP will complete their third consecutive term as a member of the parliament. It means that they will not be able to be elected in the upcoming elections if the party’s three-term limit is applied for its deputies.

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Some 90-100 deputies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) will complete their third consecutive term as a lawmaker.

The AKP has a rule allowing someone to be a lawmaker only three-term consecutively.

However, the party’s Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK) is authorized to exempt a lawmaker from the rule.

Nearly half of the AKP’s current deputies might change with the upcoming elections planned to be held in 2023, according to reporting by the daily Türkiye.

The newspaper wrote that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will order a change of deputies where there are "problems" in terms of creating a strong list. "We will create a powerful cadre for the 2023 elections," Erdoğan reportedly told his party executives.

The deputies who will complete their third or more consecutive terms include figures like former Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, AKP deputy chairs Hayati Yazıcı, Ali İhsan Yavuz and Hamza Dağ, former advisor to PM Yalçın Akdoğan.

The AKP currently has 286 seats out of 581 in the parliament.

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