Tuba Torun
‘We cannot find shelter’ movement
Turkey’s youth is uniting in a movement to say, “We cannot find shelter.’ The movement draws attention to the millions of young people across Turkey who need affordable housing and cannot find it because rents have increased to a level above what an average student can pay.
The fifth judicial package will fail us, just like those before it
Justice Minister Gül recently mentioned an impending ‘fifth judicial package.’ In the past, such ‘judicial packages’ have claimed they will broadening freedoms, while instead cracking down on justice further. Why should this one be any different?
Furious Turks and filthy politics
The Turkish public is furious these days, rightfully so. We are witnessing just how foolish the government thinks we are, and we are discovering it from the mouth of an exiled mobster. In the meantime, everybody expects there to be a strong challenge to the government’s indifference. The public wants someone to do something, start something, so that justice can be served.
Government bans audio and video recording of police
This ban on recording voices and images in public places means that the government is supporting police violence in a country where police are given ample authority as if in a police state, where almost all activities are criminalized by police violence.
The Boğaziçi resistance and the abyss of lawlessness
The resistance at Boğaziçi University carries on. So do the arrests, detentions and house arrests. The students are being detained through a disproportionate use of force. Their time in custody is extended unlawfully or they get driven from one place to another when there isn’t enough room for them in jail. They are rear-handcuffed and kept inside vehicles for hours. And during court hearings, the judges treated us as “terrorist lawyers”.
What perpetrators of violence have learned from the Turkish gov't
Perpetrators, now, know that no matter what they do, they will not be punished. They will walk free; at worst, they will be sentenced to the minimum penalty. They know how to convey certain messages to certain people. The worst part is that it is the government that taught them these clues over time.
The reasons behind pro-gov't NGO rejecting a feminist campaign
Conservative circles, including KADEM, regard the concept of equality as narrow and inadequate. According to them, the history of the world’s women’s rights movement has been rotating around a narrow and inadequate concept. Furthermore, they argue that women cannot exist without the family.
What’s with their obsession with young girls in Turkey?
Girls are always the topic of political discussion in this country. Since the parliament formed that notorious divorce commission in 2015, we have been discussing early marriages and abuse. Statistics have shown an increase in abuse. This is the consequence of a government that has been obsessed with pardoning abusers “despite the general view of the public.”
The fantastic management of the pandemic by the Turkish gov't
There are no foreign currency reserves left in the Central Bank and the budget debt to be paid in one year is 170 billion dollars. The free masks for your citizens have not arrived yet, but you are sending masks to 55 countries. Local governments are trying to support their residents, and you even block that.
Legal consequences of coronavirus in Turkey
Are we obliged to turn in a person suspected of carrying the coronavirus? Yes, the laws oblige us to do so. The Turkish Penal Code, Article 432 states conditions for involuntary internment as a protective measure. Would a person not following the rules of quarantine be prosecuted? Yes, they would. Article 195 in Turkish Penal Code is very clear.
Concealing crime data amounts to covering up sexual abuse
Suspension or partial pardon for a sentence if an abused child marries the abuser, would create a perception of "impunity" and therefore increase number of abuse crimes. This regulation means legitimization, normalization, decriminalization of sexual abuse crimes; it means the state itself is encouraging people with abuse potential to go ahead and commit the abuse crimes.