Ümit Akçay

Super Mario's plan to save Europe Former Italian PM Mario Draghi argues that the persistent stagnation crisis can be overcome by investment-led growth. This proposal also implies a change in the growth model in Europe and a shift to an investment-led growth model. I should point out that Draghi's report will have no practical consequences. In other words, there is no sudden policy change in Europe.
Şimşek’s program is destroying Turkish economy In the period ahead, we will see the path ahead of Şimşek’s program narrowing further. The economy will slow down further in the second half of 2024. In fact, if we are to trust the Central Bank projections, an economic crisis awaits us in the coming months. Who jeopardizes Şimşek’s seat? Unless the opposition emerges to propose an alternative to the current economic program in Turkey, Mehmet Şimşek will likely keep his seat and the program, which places the cost of the cost of living crisis on the middle and low-income groups.
Turkey’s economic policy deadlocked Interest rate hikes, which are used both to strengthen the Turkish Central Bank reserves and to fight inflation, interestingly lock economic policy or, in other words, remove the flexibility of economic policy. Şimşek's program is working: Economic crisis on the verge of happening Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek’s program promises a deepening of the cost of living crisis and more poverty. What we need to discuss against this are the alternatives. Turkey's current social dynamics have not yet resulted in broad sections of society agreeing on an alternative program. We should focus on the social roots of this lack of alternatives and how to overcome it.