Human Rights

Council of State finalizes decision to lift ban on capturing police fo
Ankara Governor bans 13-year-old LGBTI+ film festival Singer deported from Turkey to Iran sentenced to death
Turkey mourns on 18th anniversary of Hrant Dink's assassination Saturday Mothers seek justice for Canan tortured to death under custod ECHR rules free speech violation in 'insulting president' sentence Saturday Mothers seek justice for Güçlükonak massacre Diyanet targets LGBTI+ community in Friday sermon Saturday Mothers meet for 1032nd time Appeals court upholds acquittals of police officers in Tahir Elçi case About 1,700 refugees return to Syria daily, Interior Ministry says 16-year-old sentenced to 10 months in prison over ‘insulting Erdoğan’ Footage shows torture of Gezi prisoner Kahraman who suffers from MS Saturday Mothers meet for 1030th time Saturday Mothers meet for 1029th time Syrians return home from Turkey with tears, hope Saturday Mothers meet for 1028th time Kurds in Turkey struggle for access to Kurdish language education Saturday Mothers meet for 1027th time, seek justice for Yetişen Court releases Kurdish poet after 30 years in prison Turkish police block commemoration of trans hate crime victims High court awards damages for inhumane prison conditions Saturday Mothers meet for 1024th time Turkish Justice Ministry delays release of 8,500 prisoners since 2021 Turkey's Peace Foundation publishes report for Kurdish solution MUBI cancels festival in Istanbul after ban on LGBTI+ themed movie Turkish government appoints 149 trustees to municipalities since 2016 Rights activist Osman Kavala marks seven years in prison Turkey’s Labor Unions Confederation holds rally in capital Ankara Saturday Mothers meet for 1021st time, seek justice for Fehmi Tosun