President Erdoğan dismisses senior police, gendarmerie personnel, rectors

President Erdoğan dismissed the General Director of Security, the General Commander of the Gendarmerie, and the police chiefs of 23 provinces, along with the gendarmerie commanders of 41 provinces, making new appointments. Additionally, he appointed new rectors to 13 universities.

Duvar English

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Aug. 16 made senior-level dismissals and appointments in the General Directorate of Security, Gendarmerie General Command, Coast Guard Command, and universities.

Erol Ayyıldız, who was the General Director of Security, has been appointed as the Governor of Bursa, with Mahmut Demirtaş, the former Governor of Bursa, taking over his position. 

The General Commander of the Gendarmerie, General Arif Çetin, will be retired due to age as of Sept. 1, and General Ali Çardakcı will replace his position. 

President Erdoğan also replaced police chiefs in 23 provinces, with 16 of them being reassigned to positions within the General Directorate of Security. Additionally, the gendarmerie commanders of 41 provinces were replaced. 

As of Aug. 30, six generals in the Gendarmerie General Command will be promoted to higher ranks, and 16 colonels will be elevated to the rank of general.  

In the Coast Guard Command, several commanders, including the general commander, were also promoted, effective Aug. 30.

President Erdoğan also appointed new rectors to 13 universities, including Middle East Technical University (METU/ODTÜ), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), and Ankara University.

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