'Quarter of Istanbul students can't access remote education materials'

A recent survey revealed that about a quarter of students in Istanbul can't access remote education materials. The most common barrier to materials was revealed to be the lack of technological equipment like phones or televisions.

Duvar English

About one quarter of students in Istanbul don't have access to educational materials provided by the Education Ministry, as they lack the technological infrastructure required to view the materials, daily BirGün reported on Sept. 21, as first graders and kindergarten students attended the first day of school.

Turkey's kindergarten, first graders start school

The Başak Culture and Art Foundation (BSV), the Sulukule Volunteers Association (SGD), Tarlabaşı Society Center (TTM) and the Zeytin Ağacı Foundation reportedly surveyed 112 students in Istanbul, along with some 85 caretakers.

While 33 students said they never have access to their material 22 said they could sometimes access it, and only 39 reported uninterrupted access.

The Education Ministry's Education Informatics Network (EBA TV) is available for students' access online and on state-owned TV.

The report noted that technological equipment were the biggest barrier to access education, and two 12-year-old students said that they were never able to access the Education Ministry's online content on smart phones or the TV.

"I can see it on the phone but my sister uses the phone more, she won't let me have a turn," one nine-year-old student told the NGOs.

Meanwhile, migrant children reported struggling with a majority of the content, and their caretakers said that they struggle with the workload.

The NGOs urged Ankara to distribute education material for free during the remote education period to ensure that students aren't left behind.

The report also suggested the government compensates any additional costs that emerge during remote classes, especially technological devices needed to access material.

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