Tourists on pavement narrowly escape being crushed by car in Istanbul's Beyoğlu

Two tourists walking on the pavement in Istanbul's Beyoğlu district have narrowly escaped by being crushed by a car after the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the wall.

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Duvar English

A driver has lost control of her car when she turned to a side street in Istanbul's Beyoğlu district. She mounted on the pavement and hit the wall of an enterprise. Two tourists who were walking on the pavement at the time escaped being crushed by seconds.

The accident was recorded on a security camera at the scene of the incident.

The accident occurred in Beyoğlu's Şişhane area on Oct. 16 evening, Demirören news agency reported.

The owner of a nearby enterprise told the agency: “Last night, a driver could not negotiate the bend and hit this spot. And two tourists who were passing through here have narrowly escaped the accident.”

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