At least 121 workers die in workplace during February in Turkey
At least 121 workers were killed in workplace accidents during February in Turkey, according to the Assembly for Worker Health and Safety’s (İSİG) latest report.
Duvar English
At least 121 workers have lost their lives in workplace accidents in February, Turkey’s health and safety labour watch (İSİG) on March 4 reported in its latest “Workplace Homicide Report.”
According to the report, four child workers were killed in workplace accidents.
Among the 121 workers who lost their lives, 15 were aged 18-29, 48 were aged 30-49, 42 were aged 50-64, and seven were 65 and over. The ages of five workers remained unknown.
Four of these workers were migrant workers and seven were women.
The report indicated that the transportation sector had the highest number of fatalities with 22 deaths. In addition, 17 deaths were in the construction and road sector, and 13 in the agriculture and forestry sector.
26 percent of the deaths were caused by traffic accidents, 19 percent by heart attack, brain hemorrhage, and 13 percent by crushing.
According to the report, the province with the highest number of workplace deaths in February was Istanbul with 16 workers.