Aydın Selcen
[email protected]Who is Aydın Selcen?
Born in Istanbul in 1969, Aydın Selcen graduated from Saint Joseph High School and the International Relations Department of Marmara University. Selcen has taken up several positions at the Foreign Ministry between 1992 and 2013, his latest post being the Erbil Consul General of Turkey between 2010 and 2013. Upon his return to Ankara, he resigned from the civil service and served as a political advisor at the General Energy oil company for one and a half years. Since 2015, he has been writing independently, with a focus on Iraqi and Syrian issues. Selcen is a member of the Galatasaray Football Club congress.
All Articles
August 17, 2020
East Med: the crisis that is not
August 10, 2020
The horrifying spectre of a SDF-US oil deal
August 03, 2020
Tales of modernization and secularism
July 27, 2020
Sword at hand re-conquering Hagia Sophia alla Turca
July 20, 2020
What is the product?
July 13, 2020
Diplomacy as improvised stand-up comedy
July 06, 2020
Watching Hong Kong, thinking Turkey
June 29, 2020
Winning it on the cheap - for today
June 22, 2020
Erdoğan's unbundling of the system
June 15, 2020
How much? How long? What for?
June 08, 2020
On that June 7, five years ago we lost to win
June 01, 2020
George Floyd: A looking glass mirror
May 25, 2020
Turks and Kurds as 'cowboys vs. natives'
May 18, 2020
Almost new horizons in Turkey-US relations
May 11, 2020
How would you like your PKK?
May 04, 2020
Eleftheros: Free at last
April 27, 2020
Turkey's foreign policy rationale
April 20, 2020
Opposition as a virus
April 13, 2020
Anatomy of Turkey's COVID-19 curfew
April 06, 2020
A local COVID-19 political lexicon
March 30, 2020
Hasty burials during pandemic days
March 23, 2020
Turkey's three-way COVID-19 bet
March 16, 2020
A la guerre, comme a la guerre*
March 08, 2020
Moscow as the peacemaker
March 02, 2020
Going all-in in Idlib
February 25, 2020
Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits…
February 17, 2020
My way or the M4-M5 highways
February 10, 2020
A ship called Bana
February 03, 2020
Jerusalem as Turkey's "red line"
January 28, 2020
Search for Turkey's soul