Aydın Selcen

Aydın Selcen

[email protected]

Who is Aydın Selcen?

Born in Istanbul in 1969, Aydın Selcen graduated from Saint Joseph High School and the International Relations Department of Marmara University. Selcen has taken up several positions at the Foreign Ministry between 1992 and 2013, his latest post being the Erbil Consul General of Turkey between 2010 and 2013. Upon his return to Ankara, he resigned from the civil service and served as a political advisor at the General Energy oil company for one and a half years. Since 2015, he has been writing independently, with a focus on Iraqi and Syrian issues. Selcen is a member of the Galatasaray Football Club congress.

All Articles
January 06, 2020 Soleimani out: What is next?
December 30, 2019 The Libyan bamboozle
December 23, 2019 Genius Loci
November 18, 2019 Inept opposition blues
November 11, 2019 My own not-so-beautiful Iraq
November 04, 2019 405-11 & 403-16
October 17, 2019 For peace, once again
September 17, 2019 Raggedy rags of Turkey