
Mehveş Evin is Mehveş Evin?
An Istanbul-based journalist, Mehves Evin is a writer, freelancer, TV and radio host. She began her career in 1993 and has worked as a reporter, editor, managing editor, digital news editor and column writer in Turkish mainstream media until 2015. Evin covers press freedom, politics, human rights, environmental and women’s issues. Her first book “From A to Z: How did we get here?” (Kara Karga Publications) which focuses on social and political challenges between 2002-2018 was published in August 2018. Mehves Evin has recently started contributing for and hosts a weekly political debate show on She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychological Counseling from Bogazici University (1993) and an e-MBA degree from Bilgi University (2006).
All Articles
September 03, 2021
Election threshold and the future of governing alliance
August 26, 2021
Why Turkey fears an influx of Afghan refugees
August 17, 2021
The truth behind Turkey’s wildfire and flood crises
August 02, 2021
Amidts fires, racist attacks Erdoğan throws out tea
July 22, 2021
‘Marmara is ablaze’ with crime
July 09, 2021
The AKP’s “Operation Truth”
June 24, 2021
Marmara's sea snot to pose an international problem
June 11, 2021
The collapse of the Marmara Sea
June 03, 2021
Turkey’s seas are rotten
May 20, 2021
The revival of the Kobane case
May 14, 2021
Yachts, dead bodies, the regime and Mr. Ağar
April 23, 2021
Erdoğan’s take on the climate crisis
April 09, 2021
Istanbul is on sale
April 02, 2021
Sheep, umbrellas, and journalism on trial
March 25, 2021
Turkey's banned vigil: Saturday mothers on trial
March 21, 2021
What happens next?
March 12, 2021
The commissars, the terrorists and Mr. Soylu’s letter
March 06, 2021
NYT coverage of Afrin is not only incomplete, but troubling
February 26, 2021
The killing of captives in Garê and its aftermath
February 19, 2021
Are restaurants and bars in Turkey hit by COVID-19 or the regime?
February 11, 2021
Erdoğan’s new spectacle: Sending women into space
February 04, 2021
Is Turkey’s opposition not as sexy as Navalny?
January 22, 2021
Beyond the Turkish media crackdown
January 11, 2021
Why the Turkish government is coming after Boğaziçi University
December 31, 2020
AKP and CHP voters agree on one thing
December 22, 2020
Who does the Turkish gov't consider a journalist?
December 10, 2020
Judicial reform for whom?
November 28, 2020
How Alamos Gold and others are plundering Turkey