
Sezin Öney
[email protected]Who is Sezin Öney?
Sezin Öney is a journalist and a political scientist. Her interest in her subject area populism was sparked about a decade ago; she focuses specifically about populist leadership, populism in Turkey and Hungary. She studied International Relations, Nationalism, Jewish history, Austro-Hungarian history, Linguistic Rights, Comparative Politics and Discourse Analysis. As a journalist, her specialization is on European affairs and global politics; with a comparative angle to Turkey. She is based in Budapest, Thessaloniki and Istanbul.
All Articles
October 13, 2021
Turkey’s foreign policy labyrinth
September 29, 2021
A post-Merkel Turkey
May 05, 2021
Rekindling of Cyprus negotiations: Why now?
April 28, 2021
Turkey’s Cyprus bid amidst the genocide storm
April 21, 2021
Alpha males in Turkey-Greece relations
April 12, 2021
Unseated EU-Turkey relations
March 26, 2021
Living on borrowed time
March 10, 2021
EU and Turkey are drowning relations
March 02, 2021
The nature of the NATO-Turkey relationship
February 21, 2021
Turkey’s new Kurdish imbroglio and the EU
February 11, 2021
Can we expect a new constitution in Turkey?
January 08, 2021
The invisible victims of the Turkey-EU spat
December 18, 2020
Turkey's divorce with the West
November 10, 2020
Turkey and the EU in the post-Trump era
October 27, 2020
France is the real deal for Ankara
October 20, 2020
Cyprus, the “kingmaker”
October 13, 2020
The defrosting of the Cyprus question
October 06, 2020
Adding conflict to conflict
October 04, 2020
EU-Turkey goes 'back to the future'
September 23, 2020
Towards a “cold peace” with Greece
September 08, 2020
What if it comes to war between Greece and Turkey?
August 25, 2020
Athens keeps pressuring Berlin for East Med
August 18, 2020
Will post-Merkel Europe bear Macron's signature?
August 11, 2020
‘Here we go again,’ said Greece and Turkey
July 29, 2020
Our “Navtex” wars and the “Merkel” touch
July 14, 2020
Revenge of the Hagia Sophia
July 07, 2020
The game is on between the EU and Turkey