Confessor in murdered 8-year-old girl Narin Güran’s case arrested

A Turkish court arrested Nevzat Bahtiyar who confessed that he put the dead body of the murdered 8-year-old girl Narin Güran in a stream inside a sack upon the instruction of the girl’s uncle and the village head Salim Güran.

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A Diyarbakır court on Sept. 10 arrested Nevzat Bahtiyar, a confessor in the murdered 8-year-old girl Narin Güran’s case. 

Bahtiyar confessed that he put the dead body of the murdered 8-year-old girl Narin Güran in a stream inside a sack upon the instruction of the girl’s uncle and the village head (“mukhtar”) Salim Güran for 200,000 liras ($5,873). Accordingly, he received the dead body from the uncle in the Tavşantepe village in Turkey’s southeastern Diyarbakır province. 

The justice minister announced the arrest of the confessor Bahtiyar.

In his new statements, Bahtiyar further said that Uncle Güran threatened him by saying “I killed Arif's daughter and you will take this body and destroy it. Or I will kill you and your family.” He said he did not mention this in his initial testimony, because he was “afraid” of Salim Güran, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Salim Güran was previously arrested in line with Narin Güran’s disappearance. The teams determined that the DNA samples taken from Uncle Güran's vehicle matched the DNA samples on Narin Güran's clothes.

After the 8-year-old girl's body was found, 24 people were also detained, including the child's mother, father, two older brothers, four uncles, and the wife of the previously arrested uncle.

“Procedures regarding the other suspects in detention are ongoing. The investigation is being carried out meticulously. Whoever is responsible for the death of our Narin girl will be brought to justice and punished as they deserve,” Minister Tunç said.

Meanwhile, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Galip Ensarioğlu told Serbestiyet that Narin Güran “may have been killed by her uncle Salim Güran because she saw something she ‘shouldn't’ have seen.”

Ensarioğlu previously drew ire for saying, “The investigation is confidential. The matter is very sensitive. It is also at the final stage. There are things that sometimes we don't know and sometimes we should know and not say. Because there are our friends in the family.”

Narin Güran's dead body was found on Sept. 8 near her village in a stream. She went missing on Aug. 21 after leaving a Quran course.