Turkish students begin remote classes in second week of coronavirus cancellation
Turkish elementary, middle and high school students began remote classes March 23, in the second week of school closures amid the coronavirus outbreak. Classes will run for four hours, starting at 9 a.m., on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation’s (TRT) airwaves, as well as on the Education Informatics Network (EBA).
Duvar English
Turkish elementary schools, middle schools and high schools began remote classes on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation’s (TRT) airwaves, as well as on the Education Informatics Network (EBA) as of March 23.
Following a week of home schooling due to school closures, remote classes will run from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. for elementary and middle school students, with an additional hour for high schoolers.

Each level’s programs will have one rerun during the day.
The TRT-EBA TV slogan is “It’s not break, it’s remote education!”
The TRT-EBA TV channels have 20-minute periods with 10-minute breaks on three high-definition airwaves, one each for elementary, middle and high school, as well as six standard-definition channels, two for each level.

Students are expected to follow the weekly class schedule of their level on the TRT channel or on the EBA informatics network website, and to keep up with their courses.
For elementary school, TRT-EBA TV channels will hold Turkish, math, life sciences, natural sciences, religion and English classes.
Middle schoolers will have the same subjects as elementary schoolers, with the addition of Arabic for students of the religious Imam Hatip schools.

High schoolers will have history, geography, Turkish language and literature, math, physics, chemistry, biology and religion classes, as well as Imam Hatip students’ subjects.
All classes will be available on the EBA website, as well as complementary materials.
Once schools reopen, educators will review subjects taught remotely.