Online grocery service’s Istanbul warehouse worker tests positive for COVID-19
Online grocery store Getir said April 8 that a warehouse employee tested positive for COVID-19. Getir noted that all non-packaged goods at the warehouse were discarded, and the infected employee's coworkers were placed on paid leave for 14 days.
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Online grocery store Getir (“bring” in Turkish) said April 8 that an employee at an Istanbul warehouse tested positive for COVID-19.
“In line with our transparency policy as Getir, we would like to share our procedure for when an employee tests positive for COVID-19, compliant with the Istanbul Health Directorate’s requirements,” Getir said in a tweet.
İstanbul Bulgurlu depomuzda çalışan bir kurye arkadaşımızın maalesef Covid-19 pozitif olduğunu öğrendik. Arkadaşımızın durumu iyi. Aşağıda bu gibi durumlarda İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü talimatları doğrultusunda oluşturduğumuz prosedürümüzü sizinle paylaşmak isteriz.
— getir (@getir) April 8, 2020
The infected employee is doing well and their coworkers in the warehouse have been placed on paid leave for 14 days, Getir said.
The Bulgurlu warehouse in Istanbul where the infected employee worked has been disinfected, as well as any vehicles and safety equipment used at the location.
All non-packaged goods at the warehouse were discarded and the location will be back in business with new staff in 24 hours, Getir added.
All Transportation Workers Union (TÜMTİS) had recently noted that delivery work has intensified during the COVID-19 outbreak, adding that the group is under great risk.