Turkey’s coronavirus death toll rises by 28 to 4,489, with 1,141 new cases
Turkey’s death toll from the coronavirus rose by 28 to total 4,489 and new confirmed cases rose by 1,141 to bring the country’s total to 162,120, Health Ministry data showed on May 29.
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Turkey’s death toll from the coronavirus rose by 28 to total 4,489 and new confirmed cases rose by 1,141 to bring the country’s total to 162,120, Health Ministry data showed on May 29.
"The number of tests has increased, whereas the number of new cases decreased. The decrease in the number of patients in intensive care and intubation is continuing to decrease. The future days depend on us together paying attention to hand hygiene, wearing masks and abiding by the rule of social distancing," Health Minister Fahrettin Koca wrote on Twitter.
Test sayısı arttı, yeni vaka sayısı azaldı. Yoğun bakım ve entübe hasta sayısında düşüş devam ediyor. Gelecek günler, el hijyenine dikkate, MASKE VE SOSYAL MESAFE KURALININ HER İKİSİNE BİRLİKTE uymamıza bağlı. Kontrollü Sosyal Hayatla riskten kaçınalım. https://t.co/RVlhe7786O pic.twitter.com/bdoY1qMx02
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 29, 2020
The government announced on May 28 that it will lift restrictions on intercity travel and allow restaurants, cafes, parks and sports facilities to reopen from June 1.
It said that restrictions would remain place on the movements of those aged over 65 and under 18.