Turkish COVID-19 committee member warns of second peak if measures are not followed
A Turkish COVID-19 Science Committee member warned of a second wave of infections if society isn't careful enough with preventative measures. The committee member noted that everyone should continue to wash their hands, social distance and wear a mask.
Duvar English

A member of Turkey's COVID-19 Science Committee, Prof. Seçil Özkan, said that a second peak of infections could emerge if the society isn't careful with preventative measures.
Turkey observed an increase in the numbers of daily new cases since it began its "normalization" process on June 1, reopening almost all businesses, resuming transportation at full capacity and lifting curfews.
While Özkan said that the pandemic was "under control" before the normalization process began, she also noted that citizens haven't been as cautious in resuming their daily lives under since then.
"As a society, we should have said 'this normal period isn't like before, we will behave differently and follow three rules," Özkan said, referring to washing hands, social distancing and wearing a mask.
The science committee member noted that provinces that have observed the biggest spikes in daily diagnosis numbers since normalization are those where mass gatherings like wakes and weddings were carried out.
"We need to follow the rules. If we don't, if we say 'I'll be okay, let me just have my son's wedding,' we could observe a second peak. We could end up having to take more precautions again."
Özkan added that society is overwhelmed and suffocated with preventative measures, but that everyone should remain patient.
"Turkish society loves hugging, shaking hands, having physical contact, but we should stop that for a while. We should take precautions."