Turkish Health Minister warns against spike in COVID-19 patients in intensive care
Turkey's Health Minister Fahrettin Koca warned against a rising number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care on July 5. The number of patients in intensive care spiked by 34 on July 5, reaching 1,127.
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Turkey's Health Minister Fahrettin Koca warned citizens against a rising number of COVID-19 patients who need intensive care despite a slow decrease in the number of new daily diagnoses on July 5.
The number of new diagnoses on July 5 was six fewer than the day before at 1,148, and the minister noted that the new cases were rising fastest in Istanbul, Ankara, Gaziantep, Mardin, Konya, Bursa and Diyarbakır.
Meanwhile, the number of intensive care patients spiked to 1,127 on July 5 from 1,093 the day before.
"The number of our intensive care patients is on the rise following new cases. 'The number of daily deaths' isn't something to get used to WHEN WE CAN TAKE PRECAUTIONS."
Son 3 günde, ortalama vaka sayısının en çok arttığı iller: İstanbul, Ankara, Gaziantep, Mardin, Konya, Bursa, Diyarbakır. Yoğun bakım hasta sayımız, yeni vakaları takiben, artış eğiliminde. TEDBİR VARKEN, “Bugün vefat eden sayısı” kanıksanacak tablo değil. https://t.co/RVlhe7786O pic.twitter.com/Ur9TokRl3Q
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) July 5, 2020
The minister also urged citizens to take precautions on July 6 with a tweet that read "IF WE LIVE TODAY LIKE THERE'S NO PANDEMIC, tomorrow, we'll consider a day with 19 deaths and 1,127 intensive care patients a good one."
BUGÜNÜ, SALGIN HİÇ YOKMUŞ GİBİ YAŞARSAK, yarın, önlenebilir nedenlere rağmen; on dokuz can kaybımızın, bin yüz yirmi yedi yoğun bakım hastamızın olduğu dünü bile iyi günlerimizden biri kabul ederiz. Salgınlar tedbirsiz aşılmaz. Tedbirli bir gün diliyorum.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) July 6, 2020
In a second tweet, the minister asked if everyone who received his message was wearing masks and trying to adhere to safe distancing.
MESAJIMIZIN ULAŞTIĞI HERKES, bugün dışarıda maskesini takıyor, mesafe kuralına uymak için çaba gösteriyor mu? SALGINA KARŞI KAÇ KİŞİYİZ?
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) July 6, 2020
The number of new COVID-19 diagnoses daily has been on the rise since the country started its normalization process on June 1, reopening businesses, resuming public transportation operations and lifting curfews.
Number of daily COVID-19 diagnoses surges around Turkey