First mass event after COVID-19 brings Turkey's seven tenors together for 50 ambassadors
Turkey's first mass event after the COVID-19 pandemic brought together 50 ambassadors and their families, press and businessmen together in Mediterranean Antalya's Aspendos Theater. The concert was performed by Turkey's seven tenors, accompanied by the Antalya Opera and Ballet's orchestra.
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The Turkish government's first mass event after the COVID-19 pandemic brought together 50 ambassadors for a concert where Turkey's seven tenors performed together for the first time in the ancient Aspendos Theatre in Mediterranean Antalya, daily Cumhuriyet reported on June 21.
The ambassadors and their families, press and tourism business representatives had their body temperatures measured before entering the venue.
While guests were seated at safe distances from each other, everyone wore masks throughout the event.

General Director of Turkey's State Opera and Ballet Murat Karahan, tenors Hakan Aysev, Efe Kışlalı and Hüseyin Liko from the Istanbul Opera and Ballet, Bülent Bezdüz from the Mersin Opera, Şenol Talınlı from the Ankara Opera and Ballet and Aydın Uştuk from the Izmir Opera and Ballet performed for two acts of 90 minutes.
Conductor Antonio Pirolli and the Antalya Opera and Ballet's orchestra provided instrumentals for the Foreign Mission Special Concert of the Turkish Tourism Ministry.
The concert was organized as part of the "ReTurkey" publicity event to present the "safe tourism" policies Turkey's taken in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in an attempt to boost business in the industry which has effectively been inactive since the start of the outbreak.
Concerts have been suspended in Turkey since March 19 to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.