Turkey accuses Macron of supporting hate crimes with his new plan against 'Islamist separatism'
AKP spokesperson Ömer Çelik has slammed French President Emmanuel Macron for "supporting hate crimes" with his new plan against "Islamist separatism." "With this approach, Macron supports hate crimes and not democracy and human rights. It only would provide ideological ammunition to terrorist groups like ISIS," Çelik said. "We invite all European democrats to stand against this totalitarian attempt," he added.
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Turkey has accused French President Emmanuel Macron of supporting hate crimes with his new plan against "Islamist separatism."
Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik said that the French leader disrespected the law and the freedom of belief via saying that there was a need to build "an Islam of Enlightenment" in France.
"Macron's statements are disrespectful against Muslims and a provocation. His remarks reflect a very dark mindset. Mentioning forming 'an Islam of France' is a dictatorial approach and utter ignorance," Çelik tweeted on Oct. 5.
Macron’un hedefinde, yükselişte olan yabancı düşmanlığı ve İslam düşmanlığı olmalıdır. Bunun yerine İslam’ı hedef alması en temel insani ve demokratik değerlere aykırıdır.
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) October 5, 2020
Macron bu yaklaşımıyla demokrasiye ve insan haklarına değil, nefret suçlarına destek veriyor.
Macron on Oct. 2 unveiled a controversial plan to defend France’s secular values against what he termed as "Islamist radicalism," saying the religion was "in crisis" all over the world.
The French President insisted “no concessions” would be made in a new drive to push religion out of education and the public sector in France.
He said the country would end a system allowing imams to train overseas and would take control of religious funding. That includes training imams in France rather than continuing to import them from Algeria, Morocco and Turkey.
In response, Çelik said that Macron should instead be tackling the issues of Islamophobia and xenophobia.

"With this approach, Macron supports hate crimes and not democracy and human rights. It only would provide ideological ammunition to terrorist groups like ISIS," Çelik said.
According to the AKP spokesperson, Macron is now on the same level as far-rightists that attack European Union values.
He also said that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan talked to Macron on the issue in the past and told him about conceptual errors he makes with regards to Islam.
"Islam is a universal religion and one of peace. Macron can't have a mission to 'enlighten' Islam and to attempt such a thing is a totalitarian approach. Macron should remember what our president told him about these," Çelik said.
"We invite all European democrats to stand against this totalitarian attempt," he added.
Macron’un gündeme getirdiği tasarıyı yakından takip edecek; söz konusu tasarıya dair mülahazalarımızı ilgili platform ve çevrelerde dile getireceğiz.
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) October 5, 2020
Avrupa’nın tüm demokratlarını bu totaliter girişime karşı durmaya davet ediyoruz.