Powerful winds carry sediments from Black Sea to Marmara, turn Bosphorus turquoise
Powerful northeastern winds have turned the Bosphorus Strait turquoise due to carrying sediments from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea. Northeastern storms have been ongoing in the Marmara Sea since April 5.
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Powerful northeastern winds have turned the Bosphorus Strait turquoise due to carrying sediments from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea.
Satellite images on April 7 showed a turquoise line in the Bosphorus Strait across Istanbul.
3 gündür devam eden Poyraz fırtınası Karadeniz kıyılarından aldığı tortulları Marmara'ya taşıyor. Boğaz jetinin görünüşü de muhteşem... Bugün... pic.twitter.com/JYPzpWHDsN
— Barış Önol (@thepeacepanda) April 7, 2020
Northeastern storms have been ongoing in the Marmara Sea since April 5, preventing marine transportation.

Twitter users shared pictures of the astonishing site, with many pointing to the beautiful color of the sea.
Bugün Boğaz pic.twitter.com/tn67yxRBIm
— alper karagoz (@alperkaragoz) April 7, 2020