Far-right group attempts to attack Grup Yorum member Gökçek's grave to burn his body
A far-right group has attempted to attack the grave of Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri, saying that they will burn the body as soon as police leaves the area. "We don't want a terrorist's grave. Police will wait for a couple of days and then will leave. When they're gone, we will take the body out of the grave and burn it," the group said late on May 10.
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A far-right group has attempted to attack the grave of Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri, saying that they will burn the body as soon as police leaves the area.
"We don't want a terrorist's grave. Police will wait for a couple of days and then will leave. When they're gone, we will take the body out of the grave and burn it," the group carrying Turkish flags said late on May 10.
Kayseri'de sokağa çıkma yasağının bittiği saatlerde toplanan bir grup faşistten, İbrahim Gökçek'in mezarına saldırı girişimi: "Polis gittiğinde, çıkartıp yakacağız"#İbrahimiMezarındaRahatBırakın https://t.co/ZEgiXXKDIY pic.twitter.com/5oNVCG0PQo
— Umut Gazetesi (@UmutGazetesi_) May 11, 2020
The incident came two days after a mob linked to the Kayseri branch of the Gray Wolves, an ultranationalist group, stopped a convoy carrying Gökçek's body, saying that they would not let the musician to be buried in their neighborhood.
"Even if they bury him, we will take his body out [from the grave] and burn him," said one of the members of the gang. The incident took place late on May 8.
Kayseri Ülkü Ocakları mensubu faşist çeteler, Grup Yorum üyesi İbrahim Gökçek'in cenazesinin defnedilmesini engellemeye çalışıyor: "Gömseler bile çıkarır, yakarız..."https://t.co/NqgQmeDi1U pic.twitter.com/yejdlRrHnP
— Gazete Yolculuk (@gazeteyolculuk) May 9, 2020

Gökçek, a member of Grup Yorum, died on May 7 at a hospital two days after ending his death fast that lasted for 323 days. On May 8, a funeral ceremony was held in an Istanbul cemevi after which the musician's body was sent to the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri for burial under a police escort.
As the convoy entered Kayseri, it was stopped by members of the Grey Wolves. The mob's move came after Kayseri Gray Wolves head Serdar Turan issued a chilling threat message on his social media account on May 8 saying that they will prevent Gökçek's family to bury their son in the province.
"If they attempt to undertake such an action, their heads will not be on their bodies. No one should doubt that Turk's fist will come down on them like a sledgehammer," he wrote.
Baki Ersoy, a deputy from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), addressed the mob late on May 8 saying that the Kayseri governor "salutes everyone." The deputy said that the body will not be buried in Başakpınar neighborhood. "There will be a burial place, but it will not be Başakpınar," he said.
The People’s Law Office (HHB), a group focusing on political repression, wrote on its Twitter account on May 9 that Gökçek's body was buried at Halep Hoca Cemetery despite all the oppression.
“bu can bunca hasrete dayanır
— Halkın Hukuk Bürosu (@halkinhukuk_) May 9, 2020
soludukça içimde sevdan
sevdan ki bir yakıcı kuştur yüreğimde
gümbürder zulme karşı kan gibi..” pic.twitter.com/mNG4FUr3ZQ