Islamist columnist slammed by AKP spokesperson for insulting defenders of Istanbul Convention
Islamist columnist Abdurrahman Dilipak was slammed for insulting women within the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) who defend the Istanbul Convention. "Targeting women's individuality in social, legal and political issues is shameful," AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik said.
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Islamist columnist for daily Yeni Akit Abdurrahman Dilipak was slammed for insulting members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) who defended the Istanbul Convention, a treaty that protects women against domestic violence and discrimination.
AKP officials have suggested recusing from the international treaty in recent weeks, sparking conflict within their party, as well as nationwide.
The defense of the Istanbul Convention, officially the "Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence," has been fueled by the protests about the femicide of 27-year-old Pınar Gültekin earlier in July.
The convention was a source of controversy due to its inclusive language about non-binary sexual identities and non-heteronormative sexual orientations.
Dilipak insulted defenders of the convention within AKP in a July 27 column, suggesting that these members had been instrumental in trying to adopt legislation that's "incoherent with Turkey's morals."
AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik slammed the columnist's mannerism, noting that "any words uttered by someone who is verbally violent with women or criticizes them with insults is null and void."
Herhangi bir sosyal, hukuki ve siyasi tartışmada herkes kendi fikrini doğru, karşısındakini yanlış bulabilir. Bu çok doğaldır. Ama kim ki bir şeyi kadınlara karşı sözel şiddet kullanarak savunuyor ya da kadınlara hakaret ederek eleştiriyor ise, dediği yok hükmündedir.
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) July 30, 2020
"The language one uses about women a report card for their humanity," Çelik said. "Targeting women's individuality in social, legal and political issues is shameful."
The spokesman said that insulting women was shameful, barbaric and a sign of ignorance.
"This rhetoric that deems anyone who disagrees with their own thoughts vile and disrespectful names does nothing but hurt society, women," said AKP Istanbul deputy Emine Sare Aydın in a tweet.
"I disagree with many items on the Istanbul Convention but this mannerism that demonizes every good deed and non-governmental organizations that pour their labor into it possesses bad intentions," said AKP Istanbul deputy Iffet Polat.