Interview with controversial pro-gov’t figure leads to crisis at opposition Halk TV
Several prominent journalists have parted ways with the opposition channel Halk TV after it broadcast an interview with controversial pro-government figure Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı. The interview was removed from the channel following the crisis.
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An interview with controversial pro-government figure Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı has led to a crisis at the opposition news channel Halk TV.
The interview regarding the latest process with the outlawed PKK was broadcast on March 10 at Halk TV’s YouTube channel.
Prominent journalist Timur Soykan initially said, “I am saddened by the appearance of this person, who is a triggerman of FETÖ members and the Palace regime, under the logo of Halk TV which has paid the price for the struggle for democracy.”
Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı'nın Halk TV YouTube kanalında röportajının yayınlanmasını doğru bulmuyorum. FETÖ'cülerin ve Saray rejiminin tetikçiliğini yapan bu şahsın demokrasi mücadelesinin bedellerini ödemiş Halk TV logosunun altında görünmesi beni üzdü.
— Timur Soykan (@timursoykan) March 10, 2025
“I cannot accept the inclusion of the statements of a name that in the past praised the FETÖ terrorist organization, defended the conspiracy trials and today still slams those who oppose the process with the so-called terrorist organization (PKK) as if he is a reputable person,” another prominent journalist Murat Ağırel said.
Haftada bir #KaydaGeçsin programına çıktığım Halk TV’nin YouTube kanalında, geçmişte FETÖ terör örgütüne methiyeler düzen, kumpas davalarının savunuculuğunu yapan ve bugün hâlâ sözde terör örgütü ile yürütülen sürece karşı çıkanlara adeta kılıç sallayan bir ismin muteber biriymiş…
— Murat AĞIREL (@muratagirel) March 10, 2025
After the crisis has grown, Serpil Yılmaz, Şule Aydın, Barış Pehlivan, Timur Soykan, and Murat Ağırel have parted ways with the channel.
“Halktv has fallen far from where I want it to be,” Yılmaz said while announcing her departure.
Meanwhile, Kütahyalı mocked the criticisms and said, “Why is the person being talked about and not the facts?... But I should be angry with Halk TV :) Because they filmed me with such a camera angle that showed me weighing 150 kilos !!!”
Bu röportajı izleyin…
— Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı (@RasimOzan_K) March 10, 2025
Halk TV’nin içi karışmış ama esas benim Halk TV’ye kızmam lazım :)
Çünkü öyle bir kamera açısıyla çekmişler ki Rahmetli Süleyman Demirel gibi oturup 150 kilo olarak çıkmışım !!!
O nasıl bir görüntü yahu, bari şu ceketin iliklerini çözdürseydiniz bana :)
After the departures, the owner of Halk TV, Cafer Mahiroğlu, said he did not know about the interview but he would not approve it if he had.
“Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı is not and cannot be remotely related to me or the channel's editorial line. This is completely an accident,” he said.
Lastly, the interview was removed from the channel on March 11.
Kütahyalı’s ex-wife Nagehan Alçı previously accused him of physical, psychological, and economic violence.