It’s time to say farewell to Duvar…
Now it is time to complete an adventure in journalism and say farewell. But we know that the search for truth will always continue. Duvar will always be remembered for what it left behind in that endeavor...
Duvar's editorial life is coming to an end as of today. This first sentence may seem like a quick introduction. But this was the most important change that the internet brought to journalism: Speed! Almost 'instant' news! We know that technological progress cannot be 'good' or 'bad' in itself. What matters is how it is used. Here, too, the 'issue' was how that speed was used in the search for the truth.
This is what Duvar has tried to do well in online journalism throughout its life. Can one do 'good' journalism while at the same time complying with the requirements of the 'speed' in question? It has tried to give positive answers to this question.
Of course, there are various definitions of 'good'. Our list of 'good' is; confirmed, properly written, nourished with different details, does not stigmatize anyone, does not side as 'partisans', protects the oppressed and the wronged, does not marginalize…
And on and on it went...
There were outlets that published with these goals before Duvar, and there will be outlets that will continue to do so. However, as with every news outlet, there are important moments in Duvar's life that highlight this endeavor. Moments when every news item created incredible repercussions and spread, and when it was met with great reader trust and support...
During our publishing life, which began after the July 15 coup attempt (for the Turkish outlet), we have witnessed so many 'moments' that when we look back on the past nine years, we are surprised how they could fit into this period. The purging of Peace Academics from universities, the imprisonment of elected HDP politicians by lifting their immunity, cross-border military operations, the 2017 referendum that changed the political order, and the successive elections held in that changed order also shaped the identity of Duvar in its infancy. However, in the following years, other unbelievable developments both inside and outside the country were added to these 'internal issues'.
The new situation that dominated the whole world during the coronavirus pandemic...
The assassinations, attacks, conflicts, and confrontations in the Middle East, from the Syrian civil war to the Palestinian-Lebanese-Iranian axis...
The Ukraine-Russia war...
The devastation caused by the February 6 earthquakes...
The new politics shaped under the government of the People's Alliance...
The new Trump administration in the US, which is already shaking the world...
Finally, the emergence of the possibility of a 'solution' to the Kurdish problem, which we have been constantly pursuing, asking, and talking about throughout our nine years of publishing...
And with all these, we have endeavored to be both a news source and a mirror reflecting the common accumulation of humanity in many different fields from economy to sports, culture to art, archeology to the world of books, science to technology.
However, Google's new practices in its algorithm, which have been openly sabotaging online media, including Duvar, since last year, preventing them from continuing to publish and thus the public's right to receive news, led to this decision. We discussed this issue in the last days of last year, noting how dangerous it could be for newspapers and asking, “Will we still be able to get news online?”
Unfortunately for Duvar, the answer to this question was negative. This new situation, which, together with rising costs, inflationary economy, and the cost of living, causing a quite pessimistic future for internet media, is shaping the practices of not only Google but also other global technology companies. We hope that a solution can be found with the regulations to be made both in our country and in global channels in the near future.
Returning to how well we can use the possibilities of technology in the search for truth, how well we can do justice to 'speed' and 'good'... This is of course at the discretion of our readers. After all, their interest has been the main factor that has enabled our endeavor to continue for so long. Therefore, our readers deserve the biggest thanks.
Of course, so are our supporters who have stood behind us since its foundation and enabled us to continue publishing...
From those who are just starting out in the profession (Duvar has been the first address of many young journalists, and has hosted their development and progress over the years) to those who have worked in different media organizations for years and bid farewell to the profession here, all our employees have made great efforts. Bless their hands and minds...
Another thank you to the well-educated, experienced and knowledgeable intellectuals and academics of our country in every field who regularly or occasionally contributed to Duvar's pages... Their participation was indispensable in order to assess what the developments reported by Duvar meant and what they might lead to…
Now it is time to complete an adventure in journalism and say farewell. But we know that the search for truth will always continue. Duvar will always be remembered for what it left behind in that endeavor...