Interior Minister Soylu scolds former AKP deputy on live TV
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has scolded former AKP deputy Mehmet Metiner on live TV after the former lawmaker claimed that Gülenists are still appointed to posts in the state. "I want to say that I was very saddened. I accept Metiner's remarks on TV as insults against me. I don't find it appropriate for people who can contact me to address me through the press," Soylu said.
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Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has scolded a former ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy on live TV.
During a TV show in CNN Türk late on July 18, former lawmaker Mehmet Metiner claimed that followers of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen are still appointed to certain posts in the state, saying, "We have a list of the names."
Soylu then called the show and scolded the former deputy on his allegations concerning Gülenists, whose official name is the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ).
"A number of evaluations were made regarding the ministry I'm leading. I feel the need to respond to these to refrain from being unfair towards our ministry and the government," Soylu said.
"I'm one of the individuals who knows how the struggle against FETÖ is carried out. We didn't appoint anyone. I'm a person living a decent life. I'm not a person to act in accordance with people's comments," he also said.
Saying that he was offended by Metiner's remarks, Soylu noted that "his life is in danger."

"If I appointed even a single FETÖ member to a post, that would be treason," the minister said.
"I want to say that I was very saddened. I accept Metiner's remarks on TV as insults against me. I don't find it appropriate for people who can contact me to address me through the press," Soylu added.
Metiner then wanted to reply, asking the minister to allow him to speak.
"I won't allow you. You said plenty already," Soylu replied before hanging up.
Soylu's move upset Metiner, who said "I'm 60 years old. I can't allow anyone to scold me like this. I don't accept such an understanding of politics and government."