Gov't says it won't allow Armenians in Turkey to be threatened amid heightened pro-Azerbaijan sentiment
AKP spokesperson Ömer Çelik has said that the government won't allow Armenians to be threatened. "Those who threaten or harass a part of Turkey's citizens are making provocations. That's harming the country. Turkey is a safe country. Turkey is a state of law. The Turkish Republic won't allow discrimination among its citizens," Çelik said. "The immunity of Turkey's social structure is high against all types of provocation viruses," he added.
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The Turkish government has said that it won't allow Armenians to be threatened amid the heightened pro-Azerbaijan sentiment in the country.
Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik said that there are some people who want to pave way to provocations in Turkey after a group of people toured around Armenian Patriarchate with Azerbaijan flags.
"We will never allow some people to threaten or harass Turkey's Armenian citizens on social media or elsewhere," Çelik tweeted on Sept. 28.
"Those who threaten or harass a part of Turkey's citizens are making provocations. That's harming the country. Turkey is a safe country. Turkey is a state of law. The Turkish Republic won't allow discrimination among its citizens," he added.
Ermenistan’ın Azerbaycan’a saldırısını şiddetle kınıyoruz. Haksız ve hukuksuz bu eylemin karşısında olmaya devam edeceğiz.
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) September 28, 2020
Birilerinin sosyal medyada ya da başka mecralarda Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Ermeni vatandaşlarını tehdit ya da taciz etmesine asla müsaade etmeyiz.
Çelik noted that those who try to reflect Turkey's "determined stance" against Armenia to "other areas" are after igniting provocations.
"No one can make provocations against Turkey's social structure. The immunity of Turkey's social structure is high against all types of provocation viruses," he added.

A convoy of cars flying Azerbaijan flags on Sept. 28 staged a demonstration in Istanbul's Kumkapı quarter in the Fatih district, prompting concerns on social media.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Garo Paylan called on authorities to take the necessary precautions.
Ermeni Patrikhanesi’nin olduğu sokakta böyle bir gösteri yapılmasına izin verilmesi provakasyondur.
— Garo Paylan - Կարօ Փայլան (@GaroPaylan) September 28, 2020
İktidarı, Patrikhanemiz ve kurumlarımızla ilgili gerekli tedbirleri almaya çağırıyorum.
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"It is a provocation that such a demonstration is allowed on the street where the Armenian Patriarchate is located. I call on the government to take the necessary precautions with regards our Patriarchate and institutions. The result of hate speeches is hate crimes. End the politics of hate!" he wrote on Twitter.