Ruling AKP lawmakers attack pro-Kurdish MP in Turkish Parliament

Ruling AKP lawmakers attacked and punched pro-Kurdish DEM Party MP Ali Bozan while he was giving a speech in the Turkish Parliament. When the deputy Bozan fell to the ground on the General Assembly, the AKP MPs continued to attack Bozan.

Duvar English

During the discussions on the amendments to the Tax Law in the General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament on July 24, ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputies attacked pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party MP Ali Bozan.

Former minister Adil Karaismailoğlu was seen punching MP Bozan, with words like "thief," "immoral," "disgraceful," and "terrorist" being hurled.

DEM Party Mersin depurty Bozan, in his speech on tax injustice, stated, "The AKP, through Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), regularly steals from the pockets of workers, civil servants, and retirees every month. However, the voices of these workers, whose wages are stolen, are unfortunately not heard. I want to shout on behalf of those citizens whose wages are being stolen: Thief, thief, thief! The AKP is stealing, the AKP is stealing, the AKP is stealing."

In response, voices from the AKP ranks were heard saying, "Don't be disrespectful," "Don't be immoral," "Go wash your mouth."

Bozan responded, "You are incapable of expressing yourselves, and because you are incapable of expressing yourselves, you only resort to insults. Your mouths reek of filth."

As tensions rose in the General Assembly, AKP MPs shouted, "Get down from there, you disrespectful person." 

When Bozan retorted, "You are the disrespectful one, you are the immoral one," AKP MPs walked towards the rostrum. After AKP members tried to pull Bozan down from the rostrum, the insults continued.

At this time, AKP MP Selami Altınok was heard saying, "You are dishonorable, thieves, terrorists, scoundrels!"

Afterward, AKK MPs Halil Erdemir and former Transport Minister Karaismailoğlu was seen punching Bozan. After Bozan fell to the ground, AKP MPs surrounded him and continued the attack while he was down.

During the brawl, parliamentary police intervened, and DEM Party and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmakers tried to stop the fight. 

CHP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chair Murat Emir was seen falling to the ground while trying to break up the fight.

Here is Bozan's speech: