Turkish gov’t ally targeted 25 political parties as ‘terrorism supporters’
Turkish government far-right ally Great Unity Party’s (BBP) chair Destici shared logos of 25 major and minor political parties and targeted them as “terrorism supporters” over the killing of nine Turkish soldiers.
Duvar English
Mustafa Destici, the chair of the Turkish government’s far-right ally Great Unity Party (BBP), posted on X, "There should be a total fight against all elements of terrorism" and included the logos of 25 political parties following the deaths of nine soldiers in northern Iraq.
— Mustafa Destici (@Mustafa_Destici) January 13, 2024
Terör örgütüyle sadece dağda mücadele etmek, kökünü kazımak ve bitirmek için yeterli olmaz.
Terörün, başta siyasi uzantıları olmak üzere bütün unsurlarıyla mücadele edilmelidir.
Devlet güvenlik başta olmak üzere… pic.twitter.com/JVxebCvJtL
In his post, Destici added the logos of both the major parties in the parliament, other than his partners, and small parties. There were many parties ranging from left-socialist parties to far-right nationalist Victory Party (ZP) in the picture.
BBP has been a partner with the ruling People’s Alliance including the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the far-right New Welfare Party (YRP), and radical Islamist Just Cause Party (HÜDA-PAR).

"Fighting the terrorist organization only in the mountains is not enough to eradicate and end it. Terrorism must be fought with all its elements, especially its political extensions,” Destici said.
The Turkish government has been building a discourse alienating opposition parties by accusing them of “aligning terrorist organizations,” especially during the 2023 elections.
Destici said that the Constitutional Court's “failure to take an urgent decision” in the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party’s (HDP) closure case was "unacceptable,” particularly “while the state is waging an unrelenting struggle against the terrorist organization with its security and other institutions."
“When there is an attack on the state, the country, and the nation, everyone and every organization must take sides. This also applies to our political parties,” the far-right leader added.
Destici increased his tone and targeted the Parliament, of which he is also a part, and said, "If the legislative immunity of more than 500 so-called deputies defending terrorism are not voted to be lifted in the Parliament; if terror defenders are allowed to sit in the Presidency Council of the Parliament, in the administrative committee, on the Parliament benches; if these traitors are waving their fingers at the state and our heroic army from the rostrum of the parliament; It means that other political parties in the parliament are not doing their duty in the fight against terrorism.”
One after another, opposition parties reacted to Destici's post.
Cemal Enginyurt, deputy chair of the Democratic Party (DP), said, "If you are looking for traitors, if you are looking for terrorists, look in the mirror Destici.” He later criticized that Destici had been abusing the killing of soldiers for his political agenda.
Mustafa Destici, hain arıyorsan aynaya bak. https://t.co/1kn1bWNH85
— Cemal Enginyurt (@cenginyurt52) January 13, 2024
Justice Party (AP) chair Vecdet Öz announced that this statement constituted the "offense of inciting the public to hatred and hostility" and that they would file a criminal complaint against Destici.
Büyük Birlik Partisi Genel Başkanı Sayın Mustafa Destici’nin bugün Twetter hesabından yapmış olduğu ve amacının dışına taşmış olan açıklama, Şehitler üzerinden yapılmış siyasi bir istismardır, başta yöneticisi bulunduğum partimiz olmak üzere vatani duygusu tescilli bazı siyasi… pic.twitter.com/O8RF4ZpMTR
— Dr. Vecdet Öz (@oz_vecdet) January 13, 2024
Destici posted again after the reactions and said, "For God's sake, is there any insult to any party in this post of mine or any accusation that any of them, except for the parties that are political branches of the PKK, are associated with the terrorist organization?”
Yarası olan gocunur demişler.
— Mustafa Destici (@Mustafa_Destici) January 13, 2024
Allah aşkına bu paylaşımımda herhangi bir partiye hakaret ya da PKK’nın siyasi şubesi olan partiler hariç hiçbirine terör örgütü ile iltisaklı olduklarına dair itham var mı?
Sadece 14 Mayıs ve 28 Mayıs seçimlerinde aynı CB adayını… https://t.co/ncfd7F53BQ
He continued his accusations against political parties that have deputies in the Parliament and alleged them having ties with terrorist organizations. Destici based his accusations on supporting the same presidential candidate, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, in the 2023 Presidential Elections.